Kevin Who?!

I’m Kevin Rider, a senior Communication Studies student at Widener University. I am also one of the captains for the Widener Men’s Lacrosse Team. Originally, I am from the great old garden state, also known as the Armpit of America… New Jersey. I didn’t spend my college life only as a Widener student, in fact, I started my college days across the country in Arizona. It’s not that I didn’t like the east coast (well, actually I HATE the cold weather), I just had to get a taste of the west coast life for myself so I chose Arizona State University. I spent my freshmen year out there and I did a ton of things I would never get the chance to do in Jersey, but the miles between family and college began to take its toll on me so I decided that I had the experience I needed and could now head back home. I chose Widener because I knew that I could get a good education as well as play on a lacrosse team that had a great reputation for victory. I made some awesome friends in Arizona that I will always keep in my thoughts, but I have made even greater friends at Widener, not to mention I met a great girl along the way.

I now realize why they say that the people you meet in college are the ones that will be with you throughout the rest of your life.

Being in my final semester at Widener I have stuck with lacrosse, gotten through classes I never thought I could (even picked up a minor!), and met professors who have given me inspiration that I will continue to use down each path I will take after graduation. I can’t believe that four years have passed me by so fast, I can only imagine what my future will bring and I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am to find out. Look out real world, here I come!

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